Double Movement and Keyboard to controller remapping software.
Keys2XInput has been created for outputting an Xinput (Xbox) or DS4 (Playstation) controller, and has become widely used by many Professional Fortnite players.
Why did we make Keys2Xinput?
Simple, we enjoy controller movement! Is there much more to say?
Well, we could see that gamers were buying specific keyboards to play games, mixing inputs (controller + keyboard and mouse), and we thought: “Hey let’s create and offer a product, for anyone that can’t afford an entirely new (and possibly expensive) keyboard, and let’s do a better job of it”. We also could not see any other software out there doing what we wanted, in a small and lightweight package.
Keys2X has been designed to be as slim and light as possible, using next to zero system resources. This just means your game, be it Fortnite, Session or Trackmania etc. stay at full power.
About our software.

Version 2 has a completely re-worked User Interface and improved core, we added some more great features:
- Pro Settings – Quickly and easily copy a professional players double movement settings.
- Profile selection (create some standardised community based profiles).
- Import and/or create a profile from v1.
- Fully customisable angles made easier to adjust, with a visual representation.
- Modifier key (e.g. Shift-key to walk.. OR Shift-key = 8 more directions).
- Controller type: Added the ability to output as a DualShock4 controller.
- Keyboard capture method has been further improved, with the option for the old method (giving block keys), plus a new RawInput.
- SOCD has been brought to the front (simultaneous opposite cardinal direction).
- The GUI has been split from the CORE program, meaning more performance allowing full closure of the GUI. We are using even less system resources!
For more information about our latest release, see our Patch-Notes page, and check out our Performance page for a technical look.
Otherwise visit the download page to grab the installer.
Or come chat with us on our Twitter or Discord, if you want to learn more.