What is Double-Movement?
Double-Movement is a term in the Fortnite community that defines a new movement style.
What is different about it?
Players are able to face forward whilst running sideways, and great movement creates new combative opportunities.
How does this involve Keys2XInput?
Our controller remapping has found itself at the heart of how modern Double-Movement works. Keys2Xinput acts as a controller, allowing players to fully customise their running direction.

The switch to Double Movement, can take just a day or two to get comfortable with. And the results can be game changing!
By adjusting the Diagonal Up slider alone, you can decide exactly what amount of Double-Movement you would like.

Learn more from some great and passionate YouTubers such as Codelife, Slyjack or leStripeZ.
Or download Keys2Xinput by going to our download page, and run the installer.
If you are unsure on what settings to use, we’ve made it easy with our Pro Settings page. Where you can test out different Double-Movement settings, by using the profiles of professional Fortnite players from all around the globe. We have found a wide range of players to choose from, and now you can easily and instantly import their Double-Movement angles with a single click.
If you have been given some Double-Movement numbers to use, you can use our conversion tools to get you set up. Side jumping your way forward and boxing up your foes.
You can even geek over the technical details of how Keys2XInput works on the performance page. But be warned! This goes deep in to the core of how it all works.
We are passionate about movement. And with any game, movement enables us to experience a sensation of great freedom. Play how you want to play, create your own style.